Outside, the clouds were gathering and there was the distant rumblings of thunder to be heard. Forty five minutes later, over croissants and Earl Grey, the heavens opened and it rained very heavily; thankfully we had chosen a hotel; had we been camping, my cheery disposition may have been threatened!
We left the hotel and set off towards the puys (volcanic domes) south of Clermont Ferrand. The roads were still wet but it was enjoyable. Unfortunately, the sat nav routed along along some
It started to rain heavily and we stopped to put on the waterproofs; off we went again. Now the roads started to open out and we enjoyed some wonderful roads; fabulous surfaces; almost no traffic and the opportunity to alow the GTs of their leashes. Great !
A pic nic lunch was taken at Lac Chambon and we set off again. However, by 3pm we were getting tired and we decided to book a hotel.
A pic nic lunch was taken at Lac Chambon and we set off again. However, by 3pm we were getting tired and we decided to book a hotel.
The nearest hotel with a Michelin "bib" hotel was further south near the the Millau bridge. We headed for the autoroute and came off after some 75 km; another 45 km and we were at the hotel. Pretty knackered, but some good riding.
1 comment:
So there was the odd hicough with the Satnav, but overall things appear to be going well, rabbit's aside.
Just hope you don't run into the Tour De France as that could hold you up for a while.
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